Trick or Treat - you decide...
We're going to try a few new things this year.
Switching it up for '24 with a small haunted attraction rather than scavenger hunts.
This will incorporate not only movement, but flashing lights.
there will be two versions, one minus the ick for the younger or less interested in scary.
Both versions will incorporate lights and movement.
There will be a change to the hayrides.
We'll be closing off the trails around the property and using those exclusively for dark (not haunted) hay rides through the woods.
there will be no foot traffic permitted on the trails anywhere on the property.
The maze will be larger, a little more difficult.
Rather than hoping the weather cooperates for lawn games, we're just going to admit that the odds are against us there.
Of course the firepits and s'mores will be here.
Decorations will be of the usual giant variety and not any scarier than they've been so far. There were definitely some new additions over the summer.
it'll be the familiar witches and werewolves and skeletons.
Since much of our plans revolve around having better (read: less) lighting, we are going to push our start time back a little later this year to 6pm.
We will also be bringing in a food truck, with the first round on us.
this will require that everyone check in upon arrival so they can be issued a wrist band. for use at either truck. additional wrist bands can be purchased.
food trucks will be on site from 6pm to 8pm
Bonus - you can take part in any of the activities at any time - so you can arrive and join in at whatever time works for you, you won't miss anything!